Become a Mentor

#VWC mentors are tasked with addressing students' technical, professional and personal needs.

Thank you for your interest in mentoring with #VetsWhoCode. This document is intended to share our philosophy on mentoring. We ask mentors to address the technical, professional, and personal needs of students. Here is more detail on each of these areas:

Our Philosophy

We ask mentors to address the technical, professional, and personal needs of students. Here is more detail on each of these areas:

In addition to the three areas addressed above here are a few other items to consider.

Time Commitment

After being formally assigned a mentee, we ask mentors to set up an initial chat with their mentee to discuss their needs and to get to know one another. After this initial meeting, we ask that our mentors check in with their mentee at least once a week to inquire about their progress and if the mentees have any issues.

#VetsWhoCode is a virtual organization where Slack is the primary vehicle for communication and activity. We ask mentors to be available on Slack to students and to use Slack as a way to check in with mentees on a weekly basis. Mentors and mentees may also use email or video chat to communicate with one another. Please work with your mentee to establish the best frequency and method of communication for you both.

Mentor Application

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